Bringing Mental Health Services To You

Therapeutic Approach

The primary therapeutic approach for Azalea Health Services, LLC., providers is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and so change the way they feel. It is used to help treat a wide range of issues in a person’s life. CBT works by changing people’s attitudes and their behavior by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes that are held (a person’s cognitive processes) and how these processes relate to the way a person behaves, as a way of dealing with emotional problems. An important advantage of cognitive behavioral therapy is that it tends to be short, taking five to ten months for most emotional problems. Clients attend one session per week, each session lasting approximately 30-50 minutes. During this time, the client and therapist are work together to understand what the problems are and develop new strategies for tackling them.

The specific conditions and situations that Azalea Health Services, LLC., treats are as follows-

Anger Management

Possible treatments refer to a process that identifies stressors and learning steps to recognize tension and decrease anger in common situations.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders span a broad spectrum of conditions from panics and separation anxiety to phobias and selective mutism.

Chronic Diseases

including but not limited to Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pain

Drug and Alcohol Dependency

Substance dependence mental health treatment.


A common but serious mood disorder, depression causes severe symptoms that impact every aspect of daily life.

Memory Loss

Unusual forgetfulness of new or past events may be related to a brain injury, illness, substance abuse, stress, aging, or lack of sleep.

Behavior Problems

Perhaps our most significant findings regarding mental illness’ impact on other residents relate to behavioral issues, ranging from aggressive behavior and delusions involving others to hoarding.

Grief & Loss

Whether it’s loss of our work, loved ones, independence, or our health, we are destined to grieve at some point.

Post-surgical Mental Health Care

In this demographic it is common for individuals to have physical challenges that effect ones emotional well-being.

Post-traumatic Stress

PTSD in late life can result from trauma that occurred much earlier or can follow traumatic events that occurred for the first time in old age.

Transition & Adjustment Disorder

Older adults who suffer from adjustment disorder with depressed mood are more likely to report having poor health status and to be physically dependent

& More

The licensed counselors here at Azalea Health Services treat these and other mental disorders and conditions. To find out more today, please call or use the contact form below to reach us online.

additional services

Throughout our lives we are faced with change and the resulting effects on life around us. Change is a regular part of our daily life. There are times however, where change is the result of a major life transition and our ability to adapt to the new environment is beyond our skill level. Therapy offers individuals or families a process to work through what this life change means. Often when faced with a change we look for ways to incorporate this into the life we are leading. In the case of a major life transition, therapy helps to determine how the life we are leading will adapt to this foundational shift. Your therapist is here to help identify these issues and the other adjustment issues as you move forward through the many life transitions that help to create the person we are today.

TeleMental Health Psychology Services is offered via Medicare accepted guidelines. TeleMental Health is delivered by Licensed Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers utilizing traditional telephones, through smart phones and computers. The therapeutic delivery methods are individualized as determined by the patient’s capabilities.

What is TeleMental Health?
TeleMental Health Psychology Services is offered via Medicare accepted guidelines. TeleMental Health is delivered by Licensed Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers utilizing traditional telephones, through smart phones and computers. The therapeutic delivery methods are individualized as determined by the patient’s capabilities.

What is TeleMental Health?
TeleMental Health is the same as traditional face to face cognitive behavioral therapy. The only difference is that therapy is delivered through the employment of electronics (Telephones and Computers) and technology to support health care and provide quality services remotely. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration promotes the use of telehealth for various reasons and through a variety of methods.

Why is it Needed?
Unless it is essential, due to the Coronavirus, Healthcare Providers may not be allowed in your community or an individual is home-bound, or the individual prefers this method of therapy. Many residents in Assisted Living and Nursing Homes are having difficulties understanding this National Emergency and as a result it creates “Fear, Anxiety and Isolation”.

What is Offered
Your community, through its relationship with Azalea Health Services, LLC., would offer your residents this valuable option for therapy. This service is offered to residents for individual sessions via telephones or if appropriate, face to face in the privacy of resident’s apartments/rooms.

How to Obtain Services
Azalea Health Services ’s health care providers (Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers), offer to help to residents and home patients and specialize in therapy/counseling for isolation related to the coronavirus, loneliness, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, grief and loss and transition and adjustment. If you are the referring individual, please fax the face sheet and insurance cards to Azalea Health Services. If you are an individual seeking therapy, please call 337.393.0678. All discussions are confidential. Medicare and most insurance policies cover this service.

Program Elements
Azalea Health Services Health Care Providers assists residents and families with:
  • Encouragement to talk about his/her emotions
  • Offering support and understanding
  • Reassuring the resident that their reactions are normal
  • Communicate with family members with updates on their loved one’s progress
  • Helping the resident make simple decisions, such as what activities they enjoy most
  • Encouraging residents to engage in assisted living activities.

Conditions/situations for Resident/Patient referrals:
  • Isolation related to the recent Coronavirus/Covid-19 quarantines
  • Transition/Adjustment
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Behavioral problems
  • Anger Management
  • Addictions
  • Grief and loss
  • Family therapy

An adjustment (transition) disorder occurs when an individual is unable to adjust to or cope with a particular stressor, like a major life event. Since people with this disorder normally have symptoms that depressed people do, such as general loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness and crying, this disorder is also sometimes known as situational depression. Unlike major depression however, the disorder is caused by an outside stressor and generally resolves once the individual is able to adapt to the situation.

AHS health care providers are State of Louisiana Licensed Clinical Psychologists or Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW’s) trained in mental health therapy that perform baseline initial assessments. These standardized assessments identify individuals that may have mental health conditions at the time of assessment or are deemed to be “at risk” to develop one.

AHS creates awareness of its services through a variety of methods including (but not limited to):
Community presentations directed to residents and families
Educational initiatives directed to facility staff
Informational fliers for presentation and other educational activities
AHS provides residential communities with educational activities for community newsletters

At the time of initial assessment, individuals will enter therapy (if appropriate). After obtaining consent to treat (either from the resident directly, from their guardian or POA), therapy will either be performed on an individual basis or in a group setting or both. Treatment will be ongoing as deemed appropriate by the therapist.

A short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and so change the way they feel.

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