Azalea Health Services therapists participate in the patient’s care as a member of their treatment team. Our clinicians focus their care on behavior modification and provide family support, resulting in positive transitions for patients and staff. Additional benefits for facilities include staff education, clinical support services, and specialized mental health programs.

Partnering With Facilities

For residential communities, Azalea Health Services offers many important services for your residents. We dispatch our Psychotherapists to your communities at no cost to you!

Smooth Residential Transition and Adjustment

An adjustment (transition) disorder occurs when an individual is unable to adjust to or cope with a stressor, like a major life event. Since people with this disorder normally have symptoms that depressed people do, such as general loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness and crying, this disorder is also sometimes known as situational depression. Unlike major depression however, the disorder is caused by an outside stressor and generally resolves once the individual can adapt to the situation. Adjustment disorder may also be acute or chronic, depending on whether it lasts more or less than six months. If the adjustment disorder lasts less than 6 months, then it may be considered acute. If it lasts more than 6 months, it may be considered chronic. Diagnosis of adjustment disorder is quite common; there is an estimated incidence of 5–21% among psychiatric consultation services for adults. Adult women are diagnosed twice as often as are adult men.

Often, the recommended treatment for adjustment disorder is psychotherapy. The goal of psychotherapy is symptom relief and behavior change. Treatment allows the patient to put his or her distress or rage into words rather than into destructive actions. Individual therapy can help a person gain the support they need, identify these abnormal responses and maximize the use of the individual’s strengths. Counseling, psychotherapy, crisis intervention, family therapy, behavioral therapy and self-help group treatment are often used to encourage the verbalization of fears, anxiety, rage, helplessness, and hopelessness. As prescribed by the patients’ physician, sometimes small doses of antidepressants and anxiolytics are also used in addition to other forms of treatment. In addition to professional help, family and caregivers can help their relative with their difficulty adjusting by:

  • offering encouragement to talk about his/her emotions
  • offering support and understanding
  • reassuring the resident that their reactions are normal
  • communicate with family members to with updates on the resident’s progress
  • assisting residents in making simple decisions, such as what show to watch on TV or what activities they enjoy most, etc.
  • having the patient engage in a hobby or activity they enjoy
  • encouraging residents to engage in assisted living activities
  • As these situations’ effects family, significant others, treatment and counseling are not only directed towards residents, but also involve the patient’s family, close friends and caregivers.

For these transitional situations and adjustment disorders, Azalea Health Services offers an awareness program, baseline and ongoing assessments and individual and group therapy for residents.


Benefits to Communities or Facilities

The following represents the benefits of services offered:

  • It demonstrates market differentiation for Communities/Facilities
  • It demonstrates that Community is aware of these sometimes-difficult transitions and other mental health conditions and offers a solution
  • It will further improve Communities/Facilities image
  • It will create a positive economic impact by acquiring more move-ins and having less individuals move-out because of dissatisfaction with their transition and difficult adjustment
  • It will create a more content environment for all residents/staff
  • It promotes socialization
  • It will improve staff morale
  • It will assist family members with coping for loved ones

This program is of no cost to Community or its residents.

Community or Facility Based Education

Azalea Health Services offers education to the targeted communities and facilities at no cost. Education is performed by the providers and Azalea Health Services corporate representatives. Education is offered to residents and community clinical staff. Education topics are chosen by community staff and may include resident wellness activities with topics that include (to name a few), such as, Depression, Transition and Adjustment, Dementia, etc. Education directed to clinical staff includes relevant situations (to name a few), such as “How to De-escalate a Difficult Situation” or “Recognizing Early Signs and Symptoms of Depression”. These are value add tactics that solidifies relationships with the staff from the communities.

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